[BioC] comparing correlation coefficients

Ilhem Diboun idiboun at biochemistry.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Feb 15 20:49:01 CET 2006

Dear all

I would greaty appreaciate any help with the following. Can Pearson 
correlation coefficient from data on different range or scale be 
compared??.For example, if I compute the (r) value from a pair of intensity 
ratio datasets spanning the range -10 to +10, can I compare it with an 
the (r) value from another pair of intensity ratio data sets spanning a 
different range say -5 to +5. Similarily, can I compare the (r) value from 
correlating a pair of intensity ratio datasets with that from 
correlating a pair of absolute intensity datasets (where the scale is 
different). The question that I would want to address from such comparison 
is whether the ratios covary better than the raw intensities.

Please let me know if this is not clear enough...
Many thanks.

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