[BioC] error during installation of genefilter package: "no package 'genefilter' at the repositories"
C Carey
ccarey at u.washington.edu
Mon Dec 4 06:08:52 CET 2006
I have R and the rest of the default packages installed on Debian Linux.
The biocLite script installed all other default packages (about a month
ago) but failed on the genefilter install, and failed again today when i
attempted to install only that package, selecting first the Washington
State repository and then the Illinois repository. Here's what i got
both times:
> install.packages("genefilter")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Warning in download.packages(unique(pkgs), destdir = tmpd, available =
available, :
no package 'genefilter' at the repositories
Any advice?
Catherine Carey
SQL/Web database programmer and admin
UW Med Center Northgate campus, UWMC Accounting
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