[BioC] convert library for microarrays data

Alastair Droop apd500 at york.ac.uk
Thu Aug 31 18:36:51 CEST 2006

I found the bioconductor message annoying enough to track down and remove.

The message is displayed from within the .onAttach function within the 
Biobase package.

File: $RHOME/library/Biobase/R/all.rda (On my intel MAC)

Commenting out the message lines stops the startup message.

1) Backup original all.rda
2) Clear all packages from the search path except "package:base" and 
3) load all.rda
4) paste in altered .onAttach function
5) save(list=ls(all.names=T), 'all.rda')

I'm sure there are better ways of changing one function within a data 
file, but this one worked for me.  Hope this helps!


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