[BioC] Query in installation problem

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Tue Aug 29 19:20:04 CEST 2006

ganvita at ibab.ac.in writes:

> Respected Sir,Madam,
> I am a student at IBAB(Institute of bioinformatics and applied
> biotechnology),ITPL,India, I was tring to install bioconductor
> package, but it is giving problem in port authentication.Our institute
> port is port 3128 and not the default port 80.Could you please help in
> this context.  I will be oblidged for the same.

This is really an R issue, not a Bioconductor issue.  Try reading the
help page for download.file which has information about configuring R
so that it can talk to the internet using a web proxy.  You might also
check the R FAQs.

+ seth

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