[BioC] Loading table of logratios into limma

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Sun Aug 27 09:33:36 CEST 2006

Karen Vranizan wrote:
> How would I import a tab delimited file containing geneids and logratios 
> into limma for analysis without going through the low-level reading, 
> normalizing of the cel, gpr, etc. files? Thank you.
> Karen Vranizan
> UC Berkeley Functional Genomics Lab

Limma will take a matrix of values for lmFit.  Therefore, all you need 
to do is to read in your data (using read.table(), for example), remove 
the columns that do not have gene expression values in them (gene names, 
ids, etc.) and make a matrix.  Then, use the matrix in the call to lmFit 

 fit1 <- lmFit(mymatrix,design=design)

Where design is your design matrix.  Hope that helps.


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