[BioC] convert library for microarrays data

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Mon Aug 7 20:56:49 CEST 2006

Sébastien Boisvert <s at member.fsf.org> writes:

> Hi,
> I am using a command similar to
> R --vanilla < script.R 2> STDERR > STDOUT
> to run some scripts. When I include the convert library, some messages go in
> STDERR and they are not related to any error.
> <code>
> [boiseb01 at lw125 ~]$ echo "library(convert)" | R --vanilla 2> STDERR > STDOUT
> [boiseb01 at lw125 ~]$ cat STDERR
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> So I was wondering if this could be changed. Thank you!

The code producing that startup message in Biobase uses the message()
function from base.  This function writes output to STDERR.  I'm not
sure whether I think it makes sense or not, but it really is an
R-devel issue.  

+ seth

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