Ways to help Bioc (was: [BioC] alternate /tmp for Bioconductor install)

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Wed May 25 16:10:52 CEST 2005

Hi Robert,

Robert Citek <rwcitek at alum.calberkeley.org> writes:
> Thanks, Seth.  Is there any way I (and others) can help out with the  
> development of BioC?

Of course!  There are a number of ways you (and others) can get

One idea that comes to mind: you expressed some interest in an
improved installation script that is able to resume after being
interrupted.  This is something we would like to have, but have not
had time to implement. If this was something that interested you, I'd
be happy to help get you started (contact me off-list).

Other ways to help:

1. Keep the bug reports and questions coming.  Bioconductor *is*
   community driven.  The more folks that are testing, reporting, and
   helping others on the mail list the better.

2. Adopt a section of the Bioconductor website.  We will be upgrading
   our website in the next couple of weeks.  The new system will make
   it easier for remote users to alter content and we could use help
   maintaining different sections of the site.

3. Write an Sweave-style how to guide describing how to use one or
   more Bioconductor packages.

4. Contribute a package.

5. Help the core group improve project infratructure.  Interested
   parties should contact me off-list.  


+ seth

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