[BioC] how to use pData output to select columns from an exprsetobject?
kfbargad at ehu.es
Mon Dec 19 17:46:58 CET 2005
Something like the following might help you, although I am sure there
is a better way.
Index1 <- which(dataset$Name_of_covariate == "Control")
Also, from simpleaffy package you could try:
>Control.dataset <- get.array.subset
(dataset, "Name_of_covariate", "Control")
> Hello,
> In the following code how would I get R to search the pData slot of
z in order to select which columns to average? I can easily
write "1:4" to select the columns but I would like to make this
function more generic. In addition, if anyone can clean up the
following code or point me to an easier way
> to do this I would greatly appreciate it.
> thanks,
> where dataset=normalized and modeled expression set; z=exprs(dataset)
> avg<-function(z){
> x<-length(rownames(z))
> y<-length(unique(pData(eset)))
> ii<-0
> means<<-array(dim=c(x,y))
> ans<-array(dim=c(x,y))
> while (ii<x){
> ii<-(ii+1)
> means[ii,]<<-c(mean(z[ii,1:2]),mean(z[ii,3:4]))
> ans<-means
> }}
> Scott A. Ochsner, Ph.D.
> Baylor College of Medicine
> One Baylor Plaza, N810
> Houston, TX. 77030
> lab phone: 713-798-1620
> office phone: 713-798-1585
> fax: 713-798-4161
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