[BioC] (Limma) different toptable results for the same dataset using 2 different designs
Celine Carret
ckc at sanger.ac.uk
Mon Dec 5 20:23:30 CET 2005
Dear All,
I am facing a problem that has been discussed previously between Bjorn
Usadel and Gordon Smyth on the 9-11th Nov 2005.
It is about producing two different topTables using the same initial
eset, but trying with 2 different design lay outs. However my problem
seems to be exaxctly the same as the one stated by Bjorn, it isn't fixed
if I follow Gordon's indications to overcome the "probesets with zero
variance" problem:
I have 4 chips, 2 biological replicates of condition A and condition B
on a custom affymetrix array.
R version 2.2.0, 2005-10-06, i386-pc-mingw32
limma "2.2.0"
Biobase "1.8.0"
Here is what I've done:
> design2 <- cbind(A=1, BvsA=c(0,0,1,1))
> fit2 <- lmFit(eset, design2)
> fit2eB <- eBayes(fit2)
> toptable(fit2eB, n=10)
M t P.Value B
853 12.40696 143.0466 5.357015e-06 8.649517
974 10.69453 133.1012 5.357015e-06 8.580885
4813 10.49636 129.6253 5.357015e-06 8.553634
4718 11.01015 128.9608 5.357015e-06 8.548209
3587 10.24772 126.1652 5.357015e-06 8.524578
3812 12.35814 126.1029 5.357015e-06 8.524036
2170 11.39107 125.5051 5.357015e-06 8.518801
4265 12.62847 123.7714 5.357015e-06 8.503256
3372 11.47227 123.5476 5.357015e-06 8.501209
345 9.98423 123.4283 5.357015e-06 8.500113
however if I do the following:
> design <- model.matrix(~ -1+factor(c(1,1,2,2)))
> colnames(design) <- c("A", "B")
> fit1 <- lmFit(eset, design)
> contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(A-B, levels=design)
> fit12 <- contrasts.fit(fit1, contrast.matrix)
> fit1eB <- eBayes(fit12)
> toptable(fit1eB, n=10)
M t P.Value B
311 -3.997113 -13.961019 0.5794648 -0.5112598
1327 -1.461801 -11.334987 0.5794648 -0.6889117
113 -1.690073 -10.880814 0.5794648 -0.7308602
4408 -3.066882 -10.019535 0.5794648 -0.8232774
1825 -3.576034 -9.781223 0.5794648 -0.8523026
1224 -1.099785 -9.445264 0.5794648 -0.8961448
289 -2.800736 -9.306995 0.5794648 -0.9152559
288 -1.689312 -8.759499 0.5794648 -0.9977157
2892 -2.513426 -8.675603 0.5794648 -1.0113879
3311 3.005392 8.377018 0.5794648 -1.0625077
Following the instructions given by Gordon, then I looked at:
> i <- (fit2eB$sigma==0) # same result
with fit1eB
> sum(i)
[1] 0
so the probe-sets with zero variance doesn't seem to be the reason here...
I, of course, would be tempted to believe the 1st option (giving
differentially expressed genes with B > 8) but it turns out that 96% of
the genes are differentially expressed in this 1st option, which is
quite unlikely!
I can not understand why is it so.
Any suggestions and/or indication of what I may have done wrong would
be gratefully appreciated.
All the best,
Celine Carret PhD
Pathogen Microarrays group
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK.
tel. +44 (0)1223 834 244 ext.7123
fax. +44 (0)1223 494 919
email: ckc at sanger.ac.uk
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