[BioC] Collation of differentially expressed genes in Limma

Donald Dunbar donald.dunbar at ed.ac.uk
Tue Aug 23 17:36:00 CEST 2005

Hello all,
I'd be grateful some advice on the best way to collate my significantly
differentially expressed gene data from Limma.

I have three sets of five Affy chips arranged as one factor with three
levels (two treatments and a control).

I build the design matrix:

mydesign <- model.matrix(~ -1+factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,1,1,2,2,3,3)))
colnames(mydesign) <- c("Control", "T1", "T2")

to give:

   Control   T1      T2
1        1    0       0
2        1    0       0
3        1    0       0
4        0    1       0
5        0    1       0
6        0    1       0
7        0    0       1
8        0    0       1
9        0    0       1
10       1    0       0
11       1    0       0
12       0    1       0
13       0    1       0
14       0    0       1
15       0    0       1

then fit the model:
fit <- lmFit(eset, mydesign)

then I make the contrasts:

contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(T1-Control,T2-Control,T1-T2,

and fit the contrast to the model:

fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)

apply empirical Bayes:

fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)

now I have three sets of p.values in fit2$p.value, but of course I need to
adjust for multiple testing. I can do this in topTable:

topTable_T1_Control <- topTable(fit2, coef=1, adjust='BH')
topTable_T2_Control <- topTable(fit2, coef=2, adjust='BH')
topTable_T1_T2 <- topTable(fit2, coef=3, adjust='BH')

but that does it individually and returns genes for each contrast.
I'd like the list of genes significant below a particular adjusted p-value
threshold then a score for each contrast (-1, 0, 1).

I can use mt.rawp2adjp from multtest:

multadjust <- mt.rawp2adjp(fit2$p.value, proc=c("BH"))
eBpvalues <- multadjust$adjp[order(multadjust$index),]

but I think I'm applying this wrongly: I think I need to apply it to each
contrast's p.value column separately, but I'm not sure how.

The other option I thought to use was decideTests, but that doesn't seem to
allow me to use BH as an adjustment option:

groups <- decideTests(fit2, method="separate",

So if anyone would give some advice on the best way to collate my
significant genes, I'd like to output a matrix with a row for each gene that
is significantly differentially expressed in any of the three contrasts,
then columns for adjusted p.value, M (ratio), and score (-1, 0, 1) for each

        p.value T1-C   M T1-C   scoreT1-C   p.valueT2-C etc...

I'm using:
platform powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0
arch     powerpc   
os       darwin7.9.0
system   powerpc, darwin7.9.0
major    2         
minor    1.1       
year     2005      
month    06        
day      20        
language R    

Hope that's clear. Thanks in advance.


Dr Donald Dunbar
Head, Bioinformatics Team
Centres for Cardiovascular Science and Inflammation Research,
University of Edinburgh,
Queen¹s Medical Research Institute,
47 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh EH16 4TJ
United Kingdom
T: +44 131 242 6700
E: donald.dunbar at ed.ac.uk
W: www.bioinf.mvm.ed.ac.uk

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