[BioC] hexbin, par("usr"), legend

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Oct 21 22:28:43 CEST 2004

>>>>> "Jenny" == Jenny Bryan <jenny at stat.ubc.ca>
>>>>>     on Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:17:19 -0700 writes:

    Jenny> Are there any plans for changing the behavior of
    Jenny> "plot.hexbin" w.r.t. the graphics parameters,
    Jenny> especially 'par("usr")'?  The current behavior makes
    Jenny> it hard to add elements to the plot (which is a
    Jenny> really handy and attractive plot, I should add).  I
    Jenny> know I can create a type="n" plot of the x-range and
    Jenny> y-range, use 'hexagons' to add the hexagons, and add
    Jenny> other elements to my heart's content .... but then
    Jenny> the legend for the hexagon colorramp becomes a
    Jenny> difficulty (the documentation is clear that the
    Jenny> legend function is not really meant to be called by a
    Jenny> user, but only by "plot.hexbin").

yes, there are big plans for big changes:

The current development version of hexbin will use  grid
graphics which allows "everything" in principle,
but the user utility functions might well be lacking initially
-- and you willl have t ouse grid (or lattice) graphics;
no par(.), no traditional graphics...
Also, the result of hexbin() will be an S4 object instead of a list.

There is some unfinished discussion going on, 
if the old version of hexbin should be kept available in package
"hexbin0" -- for those of you who can't update quickly to the
new API to hexbin graphics.

    Jenny> Thanks, Jenny

    Jenny> -- Jenny Bryan, Ph.D.
    Jenny> *----------------------------------* * Assistant
    Jenny> Professor * * Department of Statistics and * * the
    Jenny> Michael Smith Laboratories * * University of British
    Jenny> Columbia * *----------------------------------*
    Jenny> 333-6356 Agricultural Road Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
    Jenny> Canada http://hajek.stat.ubc.ca/~jenny/ tel:
    Jenny> 604.822.6422 fax: 604.822.6960 email:
    Jenny> jenny at stat.ubc.ca

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