[BioC] traceback ( ) resuults : Rgraphviz warnings in R-2.0

Saurin Jani saurin_jani at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 18 23:53:12 CEST 2004

Hi Jeff,

Extreemly sorry about lack of information. 

Here, is traceback() results:

> traceback();
6: FUN(X[[1]], ...)
5: lapply(AgEdge(x), function(x, rad, edgemode, ur,
attrs) {
       if (!is(x, "AgEdge"))
           stop(paste("Class:", class("AgEdge")))
       rad <- convertRadius(rad, ur)
       lines(x, len = (rad/3), edgemode = edgemode,
attrs = attrs)
   }, rad, edgemode(x), ur, edgeAttrs)
4: .local(x, y, ...)
3: plot(curPlot, drawNode = drawing, main = main)
2: plot(curPlot, drawNode = drawing, main = main)
1: plotPieChart(pgLayoutCC, ctmat)


--- Jeff Gentry <jgentry at jimmy.harvard.edu> wrote:

> > I am collecting Differentially Expressed Genes
> > (DEscores) :
> That's good, but could you send me the results of a
> 'traceback()' after
> you get the error as I originally asked?

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