[BioC] GOTERM by itself

Auer Michael michael.auer at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Oct 14 12:01:47 CEST 2004

I would like to present the results of GOHyperG in the form of a table
with GO ID, Count, Pvalue and GOTERM. The problem lies within the GOTERM
,because the output of the enviroment has changed!!!

I am calling GOHyperG with a series of LOCUS IDS, ids1

ids1MF<- GOHyperG(unique(unlist(ids1)),lib="hgu133a",what="MF")

Then I am building a matrix with the call. The matrix has the columns GO
ID, Counts and pvalues. But I also want the GOTERM. The problem is that
there is no function which reports the GOTERM by it self.
For example mget("GO:0016407",GOTERM))

GOID = GO:0016407
GO term = acetyltransferase activity
Definition for GO term = Catalysis of the transfer of an acetyl group to
an acceptor molecule.
Ontology = MF
But I only want the GOTERM

ids1matrMF<-cbind(names(ids1MF$intCounts), as.vector(ids1MF$intCounts), 
dimnames(ids1matrMF)[[2]]<-c(“GO ID”,”Counts”,”pvalues”)

How can I retrieve only the GOTERM?????


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