[BioC] Re: New versions of annotation data pacakges

John Zhang jzhang at jimmy.harvard.edu
Thu Mar 11 15:10:57 MET 2004

New versions of annotation packages for chips are available for downloading in 
the metaData section of Bioconductor. 

NULL values in the GO environment are replaced by NA to make the multiget 
function happy. 

The XXXCHRLOC packages (e. g. humanCHRLOC) has a new environment called 
XXXCHRLOCCYTOLOC that contains the physical location of cytobands on each 
chromosome. Examples of usage of this environment are shown below:

> library(mouseCHRLOC)
 [1] "1"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "2"  "3"  "4"  "5" 
[16] "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "X"  "Y"
> bandsOn1 <- get("1", mouseCHRLOCCYTOLOC)
> names(bandsOn1)
 [1] "qA1"   "p"     "qA2"   "qA3"   "qA4"   "qA5"   "qB"    "qC1.1" "qC1.2"
[10] "qC1.3" "qC2"   "qC3"   "qC4"   "qC5"   "qD"    "qE1.1" "qE1.2" "qE2.1"
[19] "qE2.2" "qE2.3" "qE3"   "qE4"   "qF"    "qG1"   "qG2"   "qG3"   "qH1"  
[28] "qH2.1" "qH2.2" "qH2.3" "qH2.3" "qH3"   "qH4"   "qH5"   "qH6"
> bandsOn1[["qA1"]]
  Start     End 
      0 1476405 
> bandsOn1[["qE4"]]
    Start       End 
128939338 139766306 

For R 1.9.0
> mouseCHRLOCCYTOLOC[["1"]][["qA1"]]
  Start     End 
      0 1476405 
> mouseCHRLOCCYTOLOC[["1"]][["qE4"]]
    Start       End 
128939338 139766306 

Please let me know if you have any concerns. Thanks.


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