[BioC] Heatdiagram

Binita Dutta binita.dutta at vib.be
Mon Jun 14 11:18:20 CEST 2004

Dear All,

I have problems in labeling the heatdiagram of limma package.

My layout consistes of following:


There are 13056 spots on the slide.

I have done analysis by limma package but finally when i want to plot 
heatdiagram, all clones which are differenetially expressed are labeled on 
Y axis (which makes it impossible to read the label), where as i am 
interested in looking at only top 100 genes on the heatdiagram.

Please let me know where do I specify this top 30 command. I have followed 
example dataset(weaver experiment :2* 2 factorial design)

Thanks in advance



Binita Dutta, PhD
MicroArray Facility(MAF)
UZ Gasthuisberg
Onderwijs en Navorsing
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

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