[BioC] limmaGUI and Agilent output files!

James Wettenhall wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
Fri Jul 23 02:32:20 CEST 2004

Hi Adrian,

> I have tried but it doesn't work!

You need to describe the error in more detail than that
for us to be able to help you.

limmaGUI does support Agilent files.  (Just follow the
instructions in the Swirl example, and replace .spot files
with your Agilent files.  If you get any errors when you try to
read the Agilent files into limmaGUI, please report them as
accurately as possible on this mailing list (including errors
in message boxes and in the main R console).  Then if you have
any trouble, we can work out whether the problem is in limma
(the underlying microarray data analyser) or the GUI (Graphical
User Interface).  You should also tell us the version number of
limma and limmaGUI you are using and if possible, send the
header of one of your Agilent files (i.e. the first few lines,
before the main table of raw data) and perhaps a few rows of
the actual raw data.


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