[BioC] marray error message

Dr_Gyorffy_Balazs zsalab2 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 7 10:45:48 CEST 2004

Hi marray users!

How can I solve the following marray error message: 

Error in if (is.int(totalPlate)) { : argument is of length

The script in R:
> setwd("G:/Heidelberg")
> hd.files<-dir()
> hd.raw.marray <- read.GenePix(fnames = hd.files[1:3],
path = NULL, name.Gf = "F532 Median", name.Gb ="B532
Median", name.Rf = "F635 Median", name.Rb = "B635 Median",
name.W ="Flags", gnames = NULL, targets = NULL, skip=NULL,
sep = "\t", quote = "\"")
[1] 31
[1] "Reading P173_01.GPR"
[1] 31
[1] "Reading P173_02.GPR"
[1] 31
[1] "Reading P174_01.GPR"
> hd.normalized.marray<-maNormMain(hd.raw.marray,
f.loc=list(maNormLoess()), f.scale=list(maNormMAD()),
a.loc=maCompNormEq(), a.scale=maCompNormEq(), Mloc=FALSE,
Mscale=FALSE, echo=TRUE)
Normalizing array 1.
Error in if (is.int(totalPlate)) { : argument is of length

Balazs Györffy

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