[BioC] question about limma fit differences?
Gordon Smyth
smyth at wehi.edu.au
Sat Feb 7 02:29:48 MET 2004
At 05:48 PM 6/02/2004, Simon Melov wrote:
>in the limma guide, there are several different examples which are well
>described. However, there are two different functions for doing the fit -
>lm.series, and lmFit.
>I'm not clear as to why one would use either one or the other. Its not
>stated as to why one uses lmFit in the Swirl example, but uses lm.series
>in the ApolA1 example. From their respective help menus, I cant tell the
>difference except that lmFit seems to call the least squares regression by
>default, while as lm.series calls the lm.fit function for the regression.
There are actually four linear model functions in limma, as explained in
the help page on "LinearModels". I have extracted a part of this help page
and appended it to the end of this email. lmFit() is a wrapper function, if
you want to use that term, which calls the lower-level functions lm.series,
gls.series or rlm.series as appropriate. There is therefore no difference
whatever between lmFit and lm.series in your case except in the user
interface: lmFit simply calls lm.series.
I agree that it is potentially a bit confusing that both lm.series and
lmFit are used in the User's Guide. Ideally only lmFit would be there, but
I haven't had time to update all the examples yet. This will be done is due
course. The ApoAI example is still correct although it uses the older
function call.
You say that can't tell the difference between the functions from their
help pages. Now I know that documentation which is clear to one person is
not necessarily clear to another, but on my reading of the help pages the
relationship between the functions seems to be well-described. The help
page for lmFit says "A linear model is fitted for each gene by calling one
of 'lm.series', 'gls.series' or 'rlm.series'." The reader is then referred
to the help page on 'LinearModels' which gives "an overview of linear model
functions in limma". Then one can read the extract quoted below.
>Are there some general guidelines as to which fit function to use in
>particular experimental contexts?
>Any help would be much appreciated
Quote from the help page "5.LinearModels":
There are four functions in the package which fit linear models:
'lmFit' This is a high level function which accepts objects and
provides an entry point to the following three functions.
'lm.series' Straightforward least squares fitting of a linear
model for each gene.
'rlm.series' An alternative to 'lm.series' using robust
regression as implemented by the 'rlm' function in the MASS
'gls.series' Generalized least squares taking into account
correlations between duplicate spots (i.e., replicate spots
on the same array). The functions 'duplicateCorrelation' or
'dupcor.series' are used to estimate the inter-duplicate
correlation before using 'gls.series'.
Each of these functions accepts essentially the same argument list
and produces a fitted model object of the same form. The first
function 'lmFit' formally produces an object of class 'MArrayLM'.
The other three functions are lower level functions which produce
similar output but in unclassed lists.
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