[BioC] read.marrayRaw()
Julia Engelmann
julia.engelmann at biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
Mon Aug 2 12:33:27 CEST 2004
Hi list,
I am using the marray package to read in two-color cDNA array data (R
1.9.1, marray 1.5.14, linux).
When I try:
>theLayout = new("marrayLayout", maNgr=8, maNgc=4, maNsr=24, maNsc=24)
>a= read.marrayRaw(files, name.Gf="CH1I", name.Gb= "CH1B",
name.Rf="CH2I", name.Rb="CH2B", layout=theLayout)
a is a marrayRaw object with only one spot.
When I omit the layout in the read.marrayRaw call and assign it later,
it seems to work fine:
>a= read.marrayRaw(files, name.Gf="CH1I", name.Gb= "CH1B",
name.Rf="CH2I", name.Rb="CH2B")
> a at maLayout <- theLayout
In my older R version (R 1.9.0, marray 1.5.8) the first call also worked.
Now my question is: Has the read.marrayRaw function changed in some way
(I haven`t found anything in the documentation), is it a bug or
something else still?
Any help or information is highly appreciated,
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