[BioC] Genbank to Unigene IDs

Dave Waddell dwaddell at nutecsciences.com
Thu Apr 15 16:01:42 CEST 2004

Well I take that back, on a second run it correctly produces (I guess I
caught it at a bad time ;-):
java -jar MatchMiner.jar -Tlookup -ORhuman -I1accno -IA1genebankaccnumber
-OTunigene -Aunigenenumber  -IF1C:\Temp\t
empFile.txt -OFstdout -HStrue
                                 Matchminer Build:115
                        Genomics and Bioinformatics Group,NCI

Input Summary                                           Value

Build                                           115
Date                                            Thursday, April 15, 2004
Operation                                       Lookup
Organism                                        Homo sapiens
Input Source Name                               C:\Temp\tempFile.txt
Input Type                                      GenBank Accession Number
Input Algorithm                                 GenBank(All inc. RefSeq)
Output Type                                     UniGene Cluster Id
Output Algorithm                                Active UniGene Cluster Ids

Lookup Summary:
   2 Items from the input list that has output
   0 Items from the input list with no output
   0 Items from the input list that were not found in the database

Function        Original Order  Input GenBank Accession Number  Output
UniGene Cluster Id       Mult. Assoc. in Input GenBank Ac
cession Number  Index
Lookup Output   1       NM_004551       Hs.429506       Y       20092
Lookup Output   1       NM_004551       Hs.429506       Y       4407


-----Original Message-----
From: bioconductor-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:bioconductor-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Gordon Smyth
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:45 AM
To: BioC Mailing List
Subject: [BioC] Genbank to Unigene IDs

I have a list of GenBank IDs for which I'd like the corresponding Unigene 
cluster IDs. What is the easiest way to do this using Bioconductor 
functions? (I've scanned annotate and AnnBuilder help and vignettes, 
although way too quickly.)

For the sake of being specific, here's a concrete example. What's Unigene 
for GB="NM_004551"?

Thanks a lot

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