[BioC] limma and nested factors
Gordon Smyth
smyth at wehi.edu.au
Thu Apr 8 00:49:09 CEST 2004
At 01:53 AM 8/04/2004, Arne.Muller at aventis.com wrote:
>I'm following the limma users' guide to analyze some affy data. The design in
>my analysis us a bit more complex than in the example of the manual. I don't
>know if I'm doing it right.
There seems nothing wrong with your limma analysis. Focusing only on the
most extreme differentially expressed genes as you do with a toptable will
of course exaggerate the differences between the three labs. Also you're
bound to get more significant genes for OLD because you have more arrays
from that lab. Maybe take a more global look at the coefficients as well as
the p-values.
>I've two factors 'batch' and 'time' listed below:
> > batch
>[20] PRG
>Levels: NEW OLD PRG
> >
> > time
> [1] 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 04h 24h 24h 24h 24h 24h 24h 24h 24h
>[20] 24h
>Levels: 04h 24h
>You see that BATCH/TIME combinations have 3 replicates (except for OLD/04h or
>24h which has 4).
>I'd like to know how many gene change in expression over time but within each
>batch. Therefore I'm constructing the following model matrix (time nested
>within batch, i.e. 04h and 24h at each level of batch):
>design.time <- model.matrix( ~ -1 + time %in% batch)
>colnames(design.time) <- c("time04h.batchNEW",
> "time24h.batchNEW",
> "time04h.batchOLD",
> "time24h.batchOLD",
> "time04h.batchPRG",
> "time24h.batchPRG")
> > design.time
> time04h.batchNEW time24h.batchNEW time04h.batchOLD time24h.batchOLD
>1 1 0 0 0
>2 1 0 0 0
>3 1 0 0 0
>4 0 0 1 0
>5 0 0 1 0
>6 0 0 1 0
>7 0 0 1 0
>8 0 0 0 0
>9 0 0 0 0
>10 0 0 0 0
>11 0 1 0 0
>12 0 1 0 0
>13 0 1 0 0
>14 0 0 0 1
>15 0 0 0 1
>16 0 0 0 1
>17 0 0 0 1
>18 0 0 0 0
>19 0 0 0 0
>20 0 0 0 0
> time04h.batchPRG time24h.batchPRG
>1 0 0
>2 0 0
>3 0 0
>4 0 0
>5 0 0
>6 0 0
>7 0 0
>8 1 0
>9 1 0
>10 1 0
>11 0 0
>12 0 0
>13 0 0
>14 0 0
>15 0 0
>16 0 0
>17 0 0
>18 0 1
>19 0 1
>20 0 1
>[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
>[1] "contr.treatment"
>[1] "contr.treatment"
> > fit.time <- lmFit(emat, design.time)
> > contr.mat.time <- makeContrasts(time04h.batchNEW-time24h.batchNEW,
> time04h.batchOLD-time24h.batchOLD,
> time04h.batchPRG-time24h.batchPRG,
> levels=design.time)
> > contr.mat.time
> time04h.batchNEW - time24h.batchNEW
>time04h.batchNEW 1
>time24h.batchNEW -1
>time04h.batchOLD 0
>time24h.batchOLD 0
>time04h.batchPRG 0
>time24h.batchPRG 0
> time04h.batchOLD - time24h.batchOLD
>time04h.batchNEW 0
>time24h.batchNEW 0
>time04h.batchOLD 1
>time24h.batchOLD -1
>time04h.batchPRG 0
>time24h.batchPRG 0
> time04h.batchPRG - time24h.batchPRG
>time04h.batchNEW 0
>time24h.batchNEW 0
>time04h.batchOLD 0
>time24h.batchOLD 0
>time04h.batchPRG 1
>time24h.batchPRG -1
> >
>fit2.time <- contrasts.fit(fit.time, contr.mat.time)
>fit2.time <- eBayes(fit2.time)
> > colnames(fit2.time$coefficients)
>[1] "time04h.batchNEW - time24h.batchNEW" "time04h.batchOLD -
>[3] "time04h.batchPRG - time24h.batchPRG
> > length(which(topTable(fit2.time, number=12488, coef=1, adjust='fdr',
>sort.by='P')[,3] <= 0.01))
>[1] 184
> > length(which(topTable(fit2.time, number=12488, coef=2, adjust='fdr',
>sort.by='P')[,3] <= 0.01))
>[1] 349
> > length(which(topTable(fit2.time, number=12488, coef=3, adjust='fdr',
>sort.by='P')[,3] <= 0.01))
>[1] 27
>What I see is that there are quite dramatic changes over time depending on
>the batch. Actually the batches represent different labs performing an
>expression analysis of *untreated* mouse cell cultures (MG-U74Av2 chip with
>12488 probe sets) after 04h incubation and 24h incubation ... . The aim is to
>see if the three labs have actually treated the cells the same ;-)
>Does the above desing makes sense fot this kind of analysis?
> kind regards,
> Arne
>Arne Muller, Ph.D.
>Toxicogenomics, Aventis Pharma
>arne dot muller domain=aventis com
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