[BioC] How to plot the edge with number in Rgraphviz?

Shih-Te Yang g38903040 at ym.edu.tw
Fri Aug 15 18:23:52 MEST 2003

Hi, everyone:

I think the package of "graph" and "Rgraphviz" can make my research come

I am wondering to label the edge between two nodes with the numeric value.
In other words, how can I plot  and annotate the edge of the network in
numbers? Please see the example below:
nodeA <-------------->nodeB

Thank you for the kind response.

Shih-Te Yang, Ph.D. student
Bioinformatics Research Center
Institute of Biochemistry
School of Life Science
National Yang-Ming University
E-mail:g38903040 at ym.edu.tw
MyWeb: http://binfo.ym.edu.tw/styang/

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