[Bioc-devel] Review status of BulkSignalR

Jean-Philippe Villemin jpv|||em|n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Oct 17 09:59:15 CEST 2024

Dear Bioconductor Team,

We have been under review since September 26 for our package BulkSignalR.
We are very grateful for that.

We tried to join our reviewer to have a feed-back on the time it will take
approximately to get a review and fit in time with the bioconductor
deadline but we have no return.

I haven't seen any updates since. Did I miss something ? Do I have to do
anything from my side ?

 It might be important to mention, we have another package called
SingleCellSignalR already packaged in Bioconductor where we need to do an
update also. This update will be based on S4 classes actually in
BulkSignalR but first BulkSignalR needs to be accepted on Bioconductor. We
hope to be in time to correct the code if needed and be able to update this
other package.


King Regards,

*Jean-Philippe Villemin   *- Bioinformatics, PhD -

Cancer Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier

Inserm U1194

*jpvillemin using gmail.com <jpvillemin using gmail.com>*

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