[Bioc-devel] Question relating to extending a class and inclusion of data

Laurent Gatto |@urent@g@tto @end|ng |rom uc|ouv@|n@be
Wed May 22 18:21:09 CEST 2024

Dear Vilhelm,

If you need to use/share (reasonably large) MS data, you could consider contributing data to the MsDataHub package [1], that is superseding msdata and makes use of ExperimentHub. Feel free to get in touch (ideally opening a GitHub) if this is of interest to you.

Best wishes,


[1] https://rformassspectrometry.github.io/MsDataHub/

From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Vincent Carey <stvjc using channing.harvard.edu>
Sent: 22 May 2024 11:16
To: Hervé Pagès
Cc: bioc-devel using r-project.org
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel]  Question relating to extending a class and inclusion of data

> ...
> > Q4: Do you think a separate ExperimentData package satisfying the
> specifications laid out in Background 2 is warranted? This could be
> included in a future version with SummarizedExperiment/MetaboExperiment
> support.
> It depends on the size of the data. For a software package, we limit the
> size of the source tarball to 5G. So if you're going to exceed that
> limit then the datasets need to go in an experiment data package.

Not 5G.  Compressed tarball size may not exceed 5MB.  See
https://contributions.bioconductor.org/general.html, sec 3.2.5.

> >
> > Q5: The instructions state that the data needs to be documented (
> https://contributions.bioconductor.org/docs.html#doc-inst-script). Is the
> availability of the original data strictly necessary?  I notice many
> packages don't include documentation on how the data was procured.
> The availability of the original data is not strictly necessary but the
> data still needs to be documented i.e. what's its nature, where it's
> coming from, how it was imported/transformed, etc...
> Best,
> H.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vilhelm Suksi
> > Turku Data Science Group
> > vksuks using utu.fi
> >
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> --
> Hervé Pagès
> Bioconductor Core Team
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