[Bioc-devel] S4 accessor conflict (MoleculeExperiement)

Nick Robertson n|cho|@@@robert@on @end|ng |rom @ydney@edu@@u
Mon Oct 30 04:02:22 CET 2023

Dear All,

The new update of SpatialExperiement includes a molecules() method, and this appears to be causing a conflict with the MoleculeExperiement<https://github.com/SydneyBioX/MoleculeExperiment> molecules() accessor.
When calling  molecules(me, assayName = "detected")​, the following error is reported:

unable to find an inherited method for function 'molecules' for signature '"MoleculeExperiment"'

Adding MoleculeExperiement:: to the molecules() call fixes the issue, but this is not ideal, as it really should not be necessary since a molecules() method exists for the MoleculeExperiement class.

Additionally, MoleculeExperiement was explicitly built to be interoperable with SpatialExperiement and imports SpatialExperiement::SpatialExperiement() in order to output spe objects.

Is there any way to overcome this conflict?


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