[Bioc-devel] taking over package, fixing build error

Evan Biederstedt ev@n@b|eder@tedt @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Apr 15 20:41:43 CEST 2023

Hi BioConductor devel community

(Apologies if these are obvious questions; I haven't quite grokked the
answers from the documentation.)

I'm someone who has submitted in the past to CRAN, but this is my first
rodeo with Bioconductor. Please be patient with me :)

I'm taking over as a maintainer for this package:

There was an issue with the compilation of scde (related to C++17 and
deprecated C++ function).

I think I've fixed this. So I pushed changes on the `devel` branch in the
repo from```git clone git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/scde```, following
the instructions here:

My question is, how do BioConductor developers normally check that this
works? My understanding is that one waits for 24 hours for the packages to
be re-built, and then developers check the URL here:

Is there any other way to double check that the commits fix the issue?
“devtools::check_max_release()” but this often struggles with bioconductor

Thank you for the help!
Best, Evan

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