[Bioc-devel] Mac ARM64 binaries available

Jennifer Wokaty Jenn||er@Wok@ty @end|ng |rom @ph@cuny@edu
Tue Sep 27 19:46:01 CEST 2022

Mac ARM64 binaries are now available. You can view the build report at https://bioconductor.org/checkResults/3.16/bioc-mac-arm64-LATEST/.

To make use of these binaries

* Install R-4.2.1-arm64.pkg from CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/
* Install BiocManager as usual
* Use BiocManager::install() as usual

Note: BiocManager::install() will automatically pick the new arm64 binaries so you should no longer need Xcode.

Jennifer Wokaty
Bioconductor Core Team

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