[Bioc-devel] seqArchR error on build systems
Hervé Pagès
hp@ge@@on@g|thub @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Oct 25 23:05:04 CEST 2022
Hi Sarvesh,
It looks like reticulate somehow was using the wrong Python instance on
nebbiolo2 and lconway, as reported by py_config().
We're now setting RETICULATE_PYTHON on those machines to make sure that
reticulate will use the correct Python. This change was made after the
builds started today so it won't be reflected on tomorrow's report. But
it should be reflected on Thursday's report.
We'll do the same on the other build machines soon.
On 25/10/2022 08:53, Sarvesh Nikumbh wrote:
> Hi Bioc-team,
> seqArchR was building fine, without any errors last week, but I am seeing
> an error again. This time it is due to the Python module 'sklearn' not
> available and one another error. The sklearn-related error occurs on
> nebbiolo2 and Iconway, while palomino4 shows a different error.
> Maybe something changed on the build systems? Because these system
> requirements were available before*.*
> Thanks and best,
> Sarvesh
Hervé Pagès
Bioconductor Core Team
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