[Bioc-devel] Trouble with version bump
Kern, Lori
Lor|@Shepherd @end|ng |rom Ro@we||P@rk@org
Tue Nov 8 16:56:09 CET 2022
This issue should now be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Specifically for SpliceWiz: It seems like the version bump to 1.1.2 did propagate to git.bioconductor.org despite receiving that ERROR, and therefore we cannot revert as the builders are already in process and we can only increase version numbers not decrease. You will likely see the new version number and updated code on the next build.
Lori Shepherd - Kern
Bioconductor Core Team
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
From: Alex Wong <a.wong using centenary.org.au>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 7:58 AM
To: Kern, Lori <Lori.Shepherd using RoswellPark.org>
Cc: Mike Smith <grimbough using gmail.com>; bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] Trouble with version bump
Thanks Mike and Lori,
I am pushing to git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/SpliceWiz.git
Please let me know when you have identified the problem. Once it is ready, could you remove the two latest commits so I can bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1?
Thanks in advance,
On Tue, 8 Nov 2022 at 23:24, Kern, Lori <Lori.Shepherd using roswellpark.org<mailto:Lori.Shepherd using roswellpark.org>> wrote:
Thank you for reporting. We have had multiple reports of this issue and are investigating.
Lori Shepherd - Kern
Bioconductor Core Team
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org>> on behalf of Mike Smith <grimbough using gmail.com<mailto:grimbough using gmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 7:07 AM
Cc: bioc-devel using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel using r-project.org> <bioc-devel using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel using r-project.org>>
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] Trouble with version bump
Hi Alex,
Where are you pushing this too? Maybe the output from git remote -v will
be helpful.
The reason I'm asking is that it looks like SpliceWiz has already been
accepted to Bioconductor, so I wouldn't expect to see messages like "post
on the Github issue where your package is being reviewed", since you've
already completed the review process.
Best regards,
On Tue, 8 Nov 2022 at 05:35, Alex Wong via Bioc-devel <
bioc-devel using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel using r-project.org>> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am having difficulty bumping a new version of SpliceWiz onto devel. Below
> is the error on my git bash:
> $ git push upstream main:master
> Enumerating objects: 7, done.
> Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
> Delta compression using up to 20 threads
> Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 384 bytes | 384.00 KiB/s, done.Total 4 (delta
> 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
> remote: Error: Please bump the version again and push.
> remote:
> remote: The build did not start as expected. If the issue persists,
> remote: please reach out at bioc-devel using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel using r-project.org> or post on the
> remote: Github issue where your package is being reviewed.
> remote:
> remote: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1FJcvFK41Up17P3HTtd0CjZrzaq5DH6fM1gKcwevPxCo3vbIcVboaIqOpvXamnVwXFStF1LGRuEwZ_fcuUjF5tU3_7ZK_roL-uRLq52u3JtS90rrBktlDCBR7nXwAaS8n76Jcjz_IhOTDMgNHdgQG3jkVYSKX_sem6D9B1MehKMR_34PNOa0wRZB8c8nBSb-97INlmSisI81pmsoGRQ9SMu0B9zdeBqwV25DLt5DXY8Huzesm1XNV4IXcw8VgBPcOR2G_2ro-6kXDWbWwQCmPcLXaHcELzAUnJZ4MRqj4p-5QErakWOMR7cy_7IjqybfN/https%3A%2F%2Fissues.bioconductor.org%2Fstart_build
> I have already bumped from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 and again to 1.1.2 but the error
> message persists.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alex
> --
> *Alex Wong BSc(Med)/MBBS FRACP FRCPA PhD*
> Research Officer, Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program, Centenary Institute
> --
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1cPRuKLMvB76tPqq0OshAczfj3nCms650SBw8BHCLfr55k7I7A8_flxZPDiFVe6rQ1uDCalHquPWkw6UC8Tsv9xOf7ztTADcLvdQIcm7bQS6WcV_rSBVOdpgD34Rhj7ZfjVPamAtqfKLY8lNrBbvmjKrwu1qNg8b1sNw6iU8UV1tFyMbUtGSm49WI7rIC6EHl8wlKRO20WFU8ZOdPPP9s4BDy3aCX8pt2cbSg5MnVyZNJpzV8GS3W21v-PdYpYbLcwykdwZNriqXP5Z9VWo9YOgJKZgCzJ2Bl3IvFHZ0G6PmZJ3rfdPxtpsO4AkYRySf6/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.centenary.org.au>
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