[Bioc-devel] Bioc-issue-bot remarks missing / wrong biocViews field in DESCRIPTION
Kern, Lori
Lor|@Shepherd @end|ng |rom Ro@we||P@rk@org
Sat Mar 5 18:51:07 CET 2022
It's been reported multiple times. I have a fix ready to hopefully implement later this week. In the meantime if you place them all on a single line it should pass.
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From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Christian Arnold <chrarnold using web.de>
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 9:02:06 PM
To: bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: [Bioc-devel] Bioc-issue-bot remarks missing / wrong biocViews field in DESCRIPTION
Hi, for a new package submission
(https://secure-web.cisco.com/13l2zC9GUm0powowrVVTN4iY5WYUqmlAPi24FwnyZdnfDIoSVugby1ct0aSnYKACvuhL9qJ_m5DZg7O64x9nf5nBioNvxooqpxBqgtRGegZWrA_i8wd2EPIp3VUD3mShnpc_YJl7PoWV4PLw7dL8zsFvw3lAY-M4rLDmcRFx8y3mbOIUvozopFDnZ_arbE5zlBswy8WE1qKXvt48V5Zdhx4ZowYHKxdu-vTi0btFcY4kLW5rEkSeR5YSv8wKaAg4CoPGVw1TCmdWqbw80aS4FP0UHvxwFIvhwFV9sQ7gNOAbbBPEq1R9I2zJMdh2c_6Zk/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FBioconductor%2FContributions%2Fissues%2F2550), I receive
an automated bot reply with the following:
"The package DESCRIPTION must contain a biocViews field with one or more
valid biocViews terms.
Please fix your DESCRIPTION. See current biocViews
However, my DESCRIPTION does contain a biocViews section and I run
BiocCheck() without warnings and errors (see
https://secure-web.cisco.com/1dH1F1V2S25Kzz4g80WSt7NpZZAb30w5WxhxDzELLXsDCrnctbs4Kqb9n_lZIw3_Lnc85l95LPYjTgKsGn1pwnKH7KHRGkqvp_nEdHasLVq0aRz_n2jDJra3M-_E037-4hQ61DV4-SBpC0Oi4D7VJ4Pnt4QFzMJuiH7n4xUs_3BYJm_QycH9_IXD7BVORYvxnxx_c-BpyJwmrpFtvVLSWablary4emDEM5_i6bmXRzBEj7e84FKWWvk4NEEJOiJ3I2yZJEe5F2BuyPqyXZpTTBYshpWxtGBpeqadJirpEN8BfK6yc8cuS0Fz_dm6j1VFV/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fchrarnold%2FGRaNIE%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FDESCRIPTION). I also
manually checked all biocViews terms with the current list, and they all
seem to be valid. What is the problem?
I cannot figure it out. Also, is there any way to re-open an issue or I
really need to re-create a new issue whenever I try a modification when
automated closing of a new issue occurs?
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