[Bioc-devel] Spurious "dims [product 864] do not match the length of object [432]" on macOS
Neumann, Steffen
@neum@nn @end|ng |rom |pb-h@||e@de
Fri Sep 24 09:21:36 CEST 2021
for several years xcms is suffering from absolutely spurious
issues on macOS.
There is no pattern regarding release/devel, R versions, different
macOS machines like merida1 in 2019, to machv2 today and a few
occurances inbetween. The tssue usually resolves itself after a few
days without any code change.
Interestingly, 864=432*2, so something is duplicated somewhere. Also,
today was the first time I saw BiocParallel mentioned near the error,
see below.
=> Has anyone observed such a domension mismatch, maybe in other
packages, and has any idea what could be the (spurious) cause ?
Quitting from lines 149-152 (xcms-lcms-ms.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'xcms-lcms-ms.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
BiocParallel errors
element index: 1
first error: BiocParallel errors
element index: 1
first error: dims [product 864] do not match the length of object
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