[Bioc-devel] EXTERNAL: LazyData: false and accessing data in the YAML section of an Rmd document
McDavid, Andrew
Andrew_Mcd@v|d @end|ng |rom URMC@Roche@ter@edu
Fri Nov 19 17:00:15 CET 2021
How about in the YAML:
configuration: NULL
project_conf: NULL
data: NULL
Then in the first chunk something like:
```{r data-config}
data(data_ionstar, package = "prolfqua")
data = data_ionstar
configuration = data$filtered()$config
You can use a more ornate expression for these parameters when rendering otherwise `rmarkdown::render()`, which I suppose you could call from a Makefile if needed when rendering package the vignettes.
Andrew McDavid
Biostatistics and Computational Biology
University of Rochester Medical Center
On Nov 19, 2021, at 6:00 AM, bioc-devel-request using r-project.org<mailto:bioc-devel-request using r-project.org> wrote:
If anyone wonders, why do I need it. By this I can reuse the vignette
with a different dataset.
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