[Bioc-devel] Remotes in DESCRIPTION not supported for BioC?
Rainer Johannes
Joh@nne@@R@|ner @end|ng |rom eur@c@edu
Tue Mar 2 12:54:06 CET 2021
thanks for the quick reply Lori!
OK, so we will have to submit the package to Bioc ASAP.
cheers, jo
> On 2 Mar 2021, at 12:51, Kern, Lori <Lori.Shepherd using RoswellPark.org> wrote:
> Currently the builders do not allow the user of remotes and you would have to wait for it to be submitted to CRAN or Bioconductor. All Bioconductor dependencies must be on CRAN or Bioconductor.
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> From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Rainer Johannes <Johannes.Rainer using eurac.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 4:36:05 AM
> To: bioc-devel <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
> Subject: [Bioc-devel] Remotes in DESCRIPTION not supported for BioC?
> Dear All!
> in one of the xcms vignettes we are using a R package which is not yet in Bioconductor and I added
> Remotes:
> RforMassSpectrometry/MsBackendMgf
> to the DESCRIPTION thinking that on the BioC build machines the package might get installed (from github). It does apparently not as we get ERROR for this vignette. Is there any way I can use a non-Bioconductor and non-CRAN package or do I have to wait until the package is included in Bioconductor?
> thanks for any feedback!
> cheers, jo
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