[Bioc-devel] Bioconductor Git Credentials

Turaga, Nitesh N|te@h@Tur@g@ @end|ng |rom Ro@we||P@rk@org
Mon Oct 26 18:29:46 CET 2020


1. You can use the password reset link https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/password_reset/ and add a new SSH key to your account which is also on your new machine.

2. You cannot update the RELEASE_3_11 branch anymore. The Bioc 3.12 release happens in a couple of days. Check the http://bioconductor.org/developers/release-schedule/



On Oct 26, 2020, at 1:27 PM, Wubing Zhang <watson5bzhang using gmail.com<mailto:watson5bzhang using gmail.com>> wrote:


I'm the maintainer of the package "MAGeCKFlute" and I got two problems on the maintenance of the package.
1. I want to use a different machine in the future to maintain the package, but I can't log in to the git credentials website (https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/login/?next=/BiocCredentials/<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1HSioUNX3ZdxKn_uK8yA76LYQWb1OmGPgf6RYWkCPXrQwCmsDSTk2q1tLRYY009q8EBoo2OU5k_jUG9YfnCTXv-rknZKiWQM9SgLuGXbm_gVs5z9FL13G21C4FIszR7H9LAYiF2VBXkDH6HnaqyKG8i721Wycw4DzOByxZfJbhE5QpYODM1bKO5x8TVoRQSYeK5lasKwl-Qw7P4G3OqLq0LnKBJeHyj08I8ZIyyZ8-pPx0LW7Hpky8_G0EAvHGh-VXlYKki446dxvP4Y4KJ1elAvL-vr7KqGoWnySgcSRiVozAji0qOP2YXN5_cySwNmx/https%3A%2F%2Fgit.bioconductor.org%2FBiocCredentials%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%2FBiocCredentials%2F>) anymore.
2. I tried to update the package on the RELEASE_3_11 branch and got a fatal error (hook declined to update refs/heads/RELEASE_3_11).
Could you please help me to fix the two problems? Thanks in advance!

Wubing Zhang
CLS11025, 3 Blackfan Circle, Boston 02115
Department of Data Sciences
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Phone: +1 617 319 5887

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