[Bioc-devel] ExperimentHub with AWS

Spiro Stilianoudakis @t|||@noud@@c @end|ng |rom mym@||@vcu@edu
Thu Oct 1 21:46:18 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I am maintaining a newly added package on Bioconductor (preciseTAD). I am
interested in having an accompanying experiment data package where I will
be storing approximately ~5gb worth of rds (or Rda) objects. They are
currently being stored on a google drive but I would prefer them to be
accessed via AWS. I have been reading the tutorial for how to accomplish
this via experimenthub using


Under section 2.1 of the above tutorial it mentions that this requires
assistance from a Bioconductor team member. I am new to this, so I just
want to make sure I am going about this correctly. I would greatly
appreciate any input/advice from someone more experienced in the matter.
Also, is it correct that I need to have the experiment package created
before the data is added to the hub?

Thank you ahead of time for any help you can provide!


Spiro Stilianoudakis
PhD Candidate | Department of Biostatistics
Virginia Commonwealth University

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