[Bioc-devel] Cannot reproduce build error

José Antonio jo@e@nton|o@bern@be1 @end|ng |rom um@e@
Tue Jan 7 10:22:37 CET 2020

Hello everyone,

I am having some troubles to reproduce the building error of our package:

The error is related to the vignette generation, since inside of it 
there is package code which seems to fail. I have tried to "R CMD build" 
on Windows and Linux cloning the Bioconductor devel master branch but 
the package builds fine from my side.
Additionally, I have used "rhub" library to test this error in a machine 
outside my environment and the "R CMD check" report builds fine (from 
line 4033 onwards): 

Could it be possible that somehow it is using old committed code causing 
the vignette to crash?

Thanks in advance,
José Antonio

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