[Bioc-devel] Maintenance of MetaNeighbor package

Stephan Fischer @teph|@cher @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Aug 31 09:49:42 CEST 2020


My name is Stephan Fischer, I'm a postdoc at CSHL with Dr Jesse Gillis 
and I'm currently maintaining the internal version of the MetaNeighbor 
package. The Bioconductor version of the package was previously 
maintained by Manthan Shah, who left the lab about a year ago. I would 
like to take over the maintenance of the MetaNeighbor package on 
Bioconductor and sync it with our internal version. Here is what I would 
like to do:

  * Change of Github repository: Manthan hosted his own version of
    MetaNeighbor on a personal Github to sync with Bioconductor. I would
    rather use the Gillis lab Github instead. If I understand correctly,
    this should not be too much of an issue, since the two repositories
    have a shared history (Manthan forked the Gillis lab repo).
  * Change of permission: I set the bioconductor URL upstream of the
    Gillis lab repo, but when I try to fetch, I get a warning that I
    don't have the right permissions. At a glance I could not find how
    the permission system works. Would it be possible to update
    permissions so that I (and maybe other lab members) can access the
    Bioconductor repo?

Thanks for your help!



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