[Bioc-devel] Git credentials issue - ExiMiR R package maintenance

Gubian, Sylvain Sy|v@|n@Gub|@n @end|ng |rom pm|@com
Mon Apr 13 22:07:57 CEST 2020

Dear Bioconductor Core Team,

I am maintaining ExiMiR R package in Bioconductor since few years and it was recently not passing the build.
I have fixed the issue of the package that was a little problem in the vignette.
However, I wanted to reset my git credentials in order to push the fix to the Bioconductor repos (from page https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/password_reset/
Bioconductor Git Credentials<https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/password_reset/>
Bioconductor Git Credentials. Welcome! This site allows package authors to manage their credentials for the Bioconductor Git repository.
), and for some reason, there is something not working, I have not received any email for credentials information (I checked the email used for reseting the password which is the correct one DL.RSupport using pmi.com, I also tried with mine: sylvain.gubian using pmi.com).

Thanks a lot in advance for your help on this.

Best regards,

Sylvain Gubian.

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