[Bioc-devel] Import BSgenome class without attaching BiocGenerics (and others)?
Bhagwat, Aditya
Ad|ty@@Bh@gw@t @end|ng |rom mp|-bn@mpg@de
Fri Sep 6 12:39:04 CEST 2019
Dear Bioc devel,
Is it possible to import the BSgenome class without attaching BiocGenerics (to keep a clean namespace during the development of multicrispr<https://gitlab.gwdg.de/loosolab/software/multicrispr>).
BSgenome <- methods::getClassDef('BSgenome', package = 'BSgenome')
(Posted earlier on BioC support<https://support.bioconductor.org/p/124442/> and redirected here following Martin's suggestion)
Thankyou :-)
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