[Bioc-devel] Submitting a package with heavy data and vignette
Joris Meys
Jor|@@Mey@ @end|ng |rom UGent@be
Tue Nov 26 14:23:27 CET 2019
we're planning on submitting a new package to Bioconductor. Due to the fact that this package revolves around simulation methods for massive datasets, the vignette necessarily need about 10 Mb of data and way more than 5 minutes to build. We were wondering how we would proceed best to submit this package. Downsizing the data and build time is alas not possible, as it would make the example in the vignette totally irrelevant.
I was thinking about the following construct:
- a main software package with the actual simulation functionality
- a "data" package depending on the main software package with only the example data and vignette.
We would love to hear your view on this, as we'd like to limit the amount of issues for both you and us once we submit the package(s). Other suggestions are more than welcome too.
Thank you in advance
Joris Meys
Statistical consultant
Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling
Ghent University
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent (Belgium)
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