[Bioc-devel] Behavior of BiocManager::install() with github repos on Mac

Sean Davis @e@nd@v| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Jan 19 17:42:19 CET 2019

I have been working a bit on a small test package to learn a bit about
"Remotes" in the DESCRIPTION file. In doing so, there appears to be a bit
of a discordance between how github-based installation and non-github-based
installation works with respect to installing dependencies. The former
generates an error right now because of lack of Mac binary packages; the
latter generates warnings only. See below for details. Is the error in the
first case necessary, or could we get away with warnings?


> BiocManager::version()
[1] ‘3.9’
> # missing GEOquery as a dependency, for example
> BiocManager::install("seandavi/BiocWorkshopMaterialTest")
Bioconductor version 3.9 (BiocManager 1.30.4), R Under development
(unstable) (2019-01-14 r75992)
Installing github package(s) 'seandavi/BiocWorkshopMaterialTest'
Downloading GitHub repo seandavi/BiocWorkshopMaterialTest using master
Installing 1 packages: GEOquery
Error: (converted from warning) unable to access index for repository
  cannot open URL '
> BiocManager::install("GEOquery")
Bioconductor version 3.9 (BiocManager 1.30.4), R Under development
(unstable) (2019-01-14 r75992)
Installing package(s) 'GEOquery'
Warning in download.file(url = paste0(repos, "/PACKAGES.rds"), destfile =
dest,  :
  cannot open URL '
HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in download.file(url = paste0(repos, "/PACKAGES.rds"), destfile =
dest,  :
  cannot open URL '
HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in download.file(url = paste0(repos, "/PACKAGES.rds"), destfile =
dest,  :
  cannot open URL '
HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in download.file(url = paste0(repos, "/PACKAGES.gz"), destfile =
tmpf,  :
  cannot open URL '
HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in download.file(url = paste0(repos, "/PACKAGES"), destfile =
tmpf,  :
  cannot open URL '
https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/macosx/el-capitan/contrib/3.6/PACKAGES': HTTP
status was '404 Not Found'
Warning: unable to access index for repository
  cannot open URL '
trying URL '
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 13828923 bytes (13.2 MB)
downloaded 13.2 MB

Sean Davis, MD, PhD
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892

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