[Bioc-devel] mailing list sign up

Lily Wang |||y@w@ngg @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Feb 19 20:44:51 CET 2019

Dear BioC team,

Two members of my group are having problems signing up the bioc-devel
mailing list. They have received and confirmed in the confirmation email,
but still are not receiving emails.

As "Maintainer must register at the support site" is part of the
requirement for submitting new R packages to bioconductor, could you please
help us to check their status?

Their emails are
Odom, Gabriel J <gabriel.odom using med.miami.edu>
Liu, Lizhong <lxl816 using miami.edu>

Thank you!

- Lily
Lily Wang
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
Department of Human Genetics
Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami

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