[Bioc-devel] Merging GInteraction/GenomicInteractions ranges

Shian Su @u@@ @end|ng |rom weh|@edu@@u
Fri Feb 15 05:22:54 CET 2019

Hi Luke,

I also don’t see the visual representation. It sounds like you want to summarise over disjoint boxes in the interaction heat map. It also sounds like your strategy is to use quad-trees, truncated at a certain depth with all the children accumulated to that depth. If so then what happens if you have a region that crosses two quads of the level you try to summarise at? What about the pathological case of a box right in the middle of your matrix?

Do you have a readily available implementation of a rectangle quad-tree? This is more complicated than the point quad-tree, significantly more so if it’s to be cache-efficient and parallel.

I would suggest you start with naive box intersections, it’s trivial to compute each summarising box in parallel for speed. If this approach is too slow then maybe you can have a try at the quad-tree. After all, you’ll want to compare the quad-tree to something to actually make sure it’s “fast”.

Kind regards,

> On 13 Feb 2019, at 10:34 pm, Aaron Lun <infinite.monkeys.with.keyboards using gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that your visual won't show up for many (all?) of us. Nonetheless,
> I think I know what you want to do.
> Your task does not lend itself to vectorization, which makes it
> difficult to write efficient R code. It's not impossible, but it would
> be quite hard to read and debug, and your maintenance programmer will
> be cursing you somewhere down the line.
> If speed is truly a concern, I would write this code in C++. This would
> probably be several lines' worth of code:
> 1. Compute a pair of bin IDs for each interaction by dividing each
> anchor coordinate by the bin width and truncating the result. (You'll
> need to decide if you want to use the midpoint/start/end, etc.)
> 2. Sort the interactions by the paired bin IDs, e.g., with std::sort.
> 3. Identify each "run" of interactions with the same paired IDs.
> 4. Repeat step 1 within each run (you'll need to offset the anchor
> coordinate before dividing this time). Append the current quadrant to
> the quadrant sequence for return to R at the end of recursion.
> Clear, concise, and can be slapped together in less than half an hour
> with Rcpp and C++11, if you know what you're doing.
> -A
> On Tue, 2019-02-12 at 11:34 -0800, Luke Klein wrote:
>> Hello.  I am planning to develop a new package which extends the
>> GenomicInteractions package.  I would like some help/advice on
>> implementing the following functionality.
>> Consider the follow GenomicInteractions object
>> GenomicInteractions object with 10 interactions and 1 metadata
>> column:
>>        seqnames1   ranges1     seqnames2   ranges2 |    counts
>>            <Rle> <IRanges>         <Rle> <IRanges> | <integer>
>>    [1]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>    [2]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>    [3]      chrA       3-4 ---      chrA       3-4 |         1
>>    [4]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>    [5]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>    [6]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>    [7]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     11-12 |         1
>>    [8]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     17-18 |         1
>>    [9]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>   [10]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>   -------
>>   regions: 8 ranges and 0 metadata columns
>>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
>> Which is visually represented thusly
>> I would like to do the following:
>> 1) I want to group the regions into bins of WxW (in this case, W will
>> be 3), as in a quad-tree structure <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qua
>> dtree> with the final group being WxW (instead of 2x2).  This will
>> involve
>> - iteratively dividing the matrix into quadrants {upper-left
>> (0), upper-right (1), lower-left (2), lower-right(3)} .
>> - labeling each subdivision in a new column until the final WxW
>> resolution is reached.
>> - sorting by the columns
>> GenomicInteractions object with 10 interactions and 1 metadata
>> column:
>>        seqnames1   ranges1     seqnames2   ranges2
>> |    counts     quad1     quad2
>>            <Rle> <IRanges>         <Rle> <IRanges> | <integer>
>> <integer> <integer>
>>    [1]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [2]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>        1 0
>>    [3]      chrA       3-4 ---      chrA       3-4 |         1
>>        0 0
>>    [4]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [5]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [6]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>        0 3
>>    [7]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     11-12 |         1
>>        0 3
>>    [8]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     17-18 |         1
>>        1 2
>>    [9]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 3
>>   [10]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>        1 2
>>   -------
>>   regions: 8 ranges and 0 metadata columns
>>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
>> Sorting by the two columns yields what I am after.  Of course, I
>> include the “quadX” column for illustration only.  Upon
>> implementation, I would like these columns hidden from the user.
>> GenomicInteractions object with 10 interactions and 1 metadata
>> column:
>>        seqnames1   ranges1     seqnames2   ranges2
>> |    counts     quad1     quad2
>>            <Rle> <IRanges>         <Rle> <IRanges> | <integer>
>> <integer> <integer>
>>    [1]      chrA       3-4 ---      chrA       3-4 |         1
>>        0 0
>>    [2]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [3]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [4]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 1
>>    [5]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>        0 3
>>    [6]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     11-12 |         1
>>        0 3
>>    [7]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>        0 3
>>    [8]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>        1 0
>>    [9]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     17-18 |         1
>>        1 2
>>   [10]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>        1 2
>>   -------
>>   regions: 8 ranges and 0 metadata columns
>>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
>> The sorting gives me the quad-tree structure, and each unique
>> quadrant sequence defines the group.
>> GenomicInteractions object with 10 interactions and 1 metadata
>> column:
>>        seqnames1   ranges1     seqnames2   ranges2 |    counts
>>            <Rle> <IRanges>         <Rle> <IRanges> | <integer>
>>    [1]      chrA       3-4 ---      chrA       3-4 |         1
>>    [2]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>    [3]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>    [4]      chrA       5-6 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>    [5]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA       7-8 |         1
>>    [6]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     11-12 |         1
>>    [7]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA      9-10 |         1
>>    [8]      chrA       1-2 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>    [9]      chrA       7-8 ---      chrA     17-18 |         1
>>   [10]      chrA      9-10 ---      chrA     15-16 |         1
>>   -------
>>   regions: 8 ranges and 0 metadata columns
>>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
>> 2) Then I would like to merge the WxW window (i.e. bin the regions),
>> expanding the ranges accordingly and adding the counts..  This
>> process will
>> - ***identify all range-pairs in the same window and merge them
>> into a new range pair with appropriately expanded ranges*** (this is
>> my primary goal)
>> - sum the counts for each of the aforementioned range-pairs (i
>> have already figured a way to do this)
>> GenomicInteractions object with 5 interactions and 1 metadata column:
>>        seqnames1   ranges1     seqnames2   ranges2 |    counts
>>            <Rle> <IRanges>         <Rle> <IRanges> | <integer>
>>    [1]      chrA       1-6  ---      chrA      1-6  |         1
>>    [2]      chrA       1-6  ---      chrA      7-12 |         3
>>    [3]      chrA       7-12 ---      chrA      7-12 |         3
>>    [4]      chrA       1-6  ---      chrA     13-18 |         1
>>    [5]      chrA       7-12 ---      chrA     13-18 |         2
>>   -------
>>   regions: 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns
>>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
>> NOTE that ranges1 and ranges2 MUST expand so that the region width is
>> 6, though the counts will only change if there exists another
>> subrange covered by this bin/expansion that contains a positive
>> count.
>> As always, speed in a concern.
>> Best,
>> — Luke Klein
>>     PhD Student
>>     Department of Statistics
>>     University of California, Riverside
>>     lklei001 using ucr.edu
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