[Bioc-devel] Help with Building Package in Rstudio

Margaret Linan m||n@n @end|ng |rom @@u@edu
Sun Feb 3 23:39:03 CET 2019

Hi –

I am trying to build an Bioconductor package and I am using the latest version of RStudio (version info):
> version
platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32                                
arch           x86_64                                            
os             mingw32                                           
system         x86_64, mingw32                                   
status         Under development (unstable)                      
major          3                                                 
minor          5.0                                               
year           2018                                              
month          03                                                
day            10                                                
svn rev        74380                                             
language       R                                                 
version.string R Under development (unstable) (2018-03-10 r74380)
nickname       Unsuffered Consequences   

Whenever I start the build test, using Ctrl + Shift + B, I get the following message:

WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:


I have the latest Rtools installed in my C: directory, and added the path to its bin folder to the PATH variable.
When I use library(devtools) and then find_rtools() I get TRUE as the response.

However, I keep getting the warning message (see above). What am I doing incorrectly?


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