[Bioc-devel] DMRcate_2.0.0 and updated DMRcatedata

Tim Peters t@peter@ @end|ng |rom g@rv@n@org@@u
Thu Aug 22 01:49:12 CEST 2019


     I have a major update of DMRcate and its associated data package,
     DMRcatedata. They both pass R CMD check and BiocCheck for R 3.6.1.
     Because the new version of DMRcate depends on the updated DMRcatedata package,
     can I host DMRcatedata (it's ~28MB) somewhere for you to download and update Bioconductor, and
     then I can sync the new version of DMRcate please?





Tim Peters, PhD

Bioinformatics Research Officer | Immunogenomics Laboratory | Immunology Division

Garvan Institute of Medical Research

384 Victoria St., Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia 2010

E: t.peters using garvan.org.au | W: http://www.garvan.org.au | P: +612 9295 8325

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