[Bioc-devel] Weird issue with the repo

Hamed Haseli h@medhm @end|ng |rom eb|@@c@uk
Mon Apr 15 14:40:36 CEST 2019

Dear All,

I am the maintainer of the package PhenStat and recently fixed some issues
and tried to push the code into the repository. It was initially okay but
suddenly stopped with the error below:

git.exe push --progress "origin" master:master

fatal: remote error: FATAL: W any packages/PhenStat nobody DENIED by
(or you mis-spelled the reponame)

git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128) (1266 ms @ 15/04/2019 13:38:42)

I actually have not changed anything in my setting (like keys etc) but it
does not let me through.

Please any advice?


Hamed Haseli.M

| Hamed Haseli.M, PhD (Statistics)
| Data Scientist, Mouse Informatics
| E: hamedhm using ebi.ac.uk
| P:  +44(0) 1223 494 451
| M: +44(0) 7902 824 097
| W: hamedhaseli.webs.com
| European Bioinformatics Institute,
| Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. CB10 1SD


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