[Bioc-devel] Package update failure because of version numbering

Holger Schwender holger@@chw @ending from gmx@de
Tue Sep 18 13:03:14 CEST 2018

Dear all,

I've tried to update devel version 1.51.2 of my Bioconductor package logicFS. Since this is a very major update (with several new features), I've found it a good idea to also show this with the version numbering and gave the new version the number 2.1.9 (.9 since we've updated the package step-by-step locally). 

When committing the changes to Bioconductor, I've however got an error from git push upstream master that this change in version numbering is not allowed/possible.

Is it nethertheless somehow possible to increase the version number from 1.51 to 2.1? Or do I have to use 1.51.z? (More importantly, is it somehow possible that the next release version is 2.2.0 or 2.0.0?)

Thanks a lot,

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