[Bioc-devel] What can I do if a depended package is not installed in Bioconductor build server

Anh N Tran tr@nnh@t@nh89 @ending from gm@il@com
Thu Nov 8 19:15:58 CET 2018


I noticed that multiple packages currently have errors because 'devtools'
was not installed on merida2. I wonder if the issue will go away eventually
or we will have to make changes to our packages to pass the check.

For my HPAanalyze package specifically, merida2 also didn't have the
XLConnect package and gave me errors. I worked around that by replacing
XLConnect with openxlsx, which was actually a positive change for my
package. However, devtools is a lot harder to replace as it is an integral
part of my package development workflow.

May you help me to understand how packages are installed in the build
servers, and what I can do to fix the problem, please?

Thank you,
Anh Tran.

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