[Bioc-devel] VariantAnnotation: streaming over a genomic range

Robert Castelo robert.castelo at upf.edu
Tue Mar 27 13:02:46 CEST 2018


when i use the function 'readVcf()' from the 'VariantAnnotation' package 
through a 'TabixFile' object, i can stream over it even if i do not 
specify the argument 'yieldSize', although in that case the streaming is 
trivial because is reading the whole file into main memory:

CEUvcf <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="VariantFiltering"),
tab <- TabixFile(CEUvcf)
vcf <- readVcf(tab, "hg19")
[1] 1000    3
vcf <- readVcf(tab, "hg19")
[1] 0 3

this is useful because i can package this into a function in my package 
'VariantFiltering' using the same code regardless of whether 'yieldSize' 
is specified or not, e.g.:

f <- function(fname, yieldSize=NA, genome, vcfpar=ScanVcfParam()) {
   tab <- TabixFile(fname, yieldSize=yieldSize)
   while (nrow(vcf <- readVcf(tab, genome=genome, param=vcfpar))) {
     ## do something with the 'vcf' object

   ## return something

however, if i further specify a range though the 'ScanVcfParam()' 
function, but yet without any 'yieldSize' as before, the streaming does 
not work anymore:

vcfpar <- ScanVcfParam(which=GRanges("7:107341641"))
vcf <- readVcf(tab, "hg19", param=vcfpar)
[1] 1 3
vcf <- readVcf(tab, "hg19", param=vcfpar)
[1] 1 3
vcf <- readVcf(tab, "hg19", param=vcfpar)
[1] 1 3

in this example i'm restricting the range to be read to 1 single variant 
and successive calls to 'readVcf()' read the same variant over and over 
again without streaming over the range.

is this the intended behavior?

my use case is that when analyzing VCFs from genomes, with several 
million variants, i may want to restrict my analysis to a chunk of the 
genome of several megabases, say 30 or 40, which is too much to load all 
of it into main memory and would like to stream over these 30 or 40 
megabases. would be possible to have this feature?



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