[Bioc-devel] mygene package - fixing build error

Chunlei Wu cwu @ending from @cripp@@edu
Thu Jun 14 19:58:49 CEST 2018

Hello group,

          We recently pushed some changes to mygene package to fix the build error:


          The changes were pushed to the master, do we need to merge the changes to RELEASE_3_7 branch? Is this something will be done automatically or maybe manually by the BioC core team? We did not have to create all these RELEASE branches in the past, so I suspect that was created automatically. Please advise. Thanks.



P.S. this is the output from our local dev folder:

$ git remote -v
origin  git using github.com:biothings/mygene.R.git (fetch)
origin  git using github.com:biothings/mygene.R.git (push)
upstream        git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/mygene.git (fetch)
upstream        git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/mygene.git (push)

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